61 to 70 of 179
  • Re-entering the workforce
    by Carole Kanchier - April 16, 2018
    Amanda had a great career as a computer programmer that she put on hold to devote time to raise her sons. Now that they're older, she wants to reenter the job market, but she doesn't know where to start! Ihor, who took time out to care for his aging mother, is in a similar position. Thousands of women and men who took time away from work feel the same as Amanda and Ihor. Those who research and plan, do very well...
  • Trust in the workplace
    by Carole Kanchier - April 9, 2018
    'The people when rightfully and fully trusted will return the trust.' -Abraham Lincoln Trust is an essential element of a work relationship. Trust may take time to develop but easy to lose. Examples of trust include having faith that a colleague will complete his or her part of an assigned project or relying on a supervisor's promise of a promotion by a specific date. Betrayal is a loss of trust that can...
  • Quester Traits
    by Carole Kanchier - April 2, 2018
    Today we see the beginnings of a ground-shaking new wave of developments, with artificial intelligence as the primary driver but also genomics, blockchain, 3D printing, nanotechnology, virtual reality, and more discoveries gaining recognition. How can we manage our way through these upheavals to create the best possible opportunities and outcomes? We can strengthen Quester traits. Questers are described in the award w...
  • Spring - A Time for Cleansing Emotions
    by Carole Kanchier - March 26, 2018
    Spring is finally here. The days are longer, warmer, and the trees are starting to bloom. We're open to inviting change into our lives! Spring is a time to get rid off all that junk we’ve accumulated over the winter. Yes, physical junk such as heavy coats and boots, but also the emotional baggage we’ve picked up over the winter. Spring is also a time to forgive. Forgiveness is freeing up and putting to...
  • Putting Fresh Life Into Your Job Search
    by Carole Kanchier - March 19, 2018
    You've done everything you can to get a job. This has included networking with everyone you know, answering want ads, and using the yellow pages and internet. But you're still unemployed after six months of full-time work. Here are ways to breathe fresh life into your search. Revitalize your job search - Review your employment goal. Is it compatible with your passion? Are you enthusiastic about it? It's...
  • fear of failure
    by Carole Kanchier - March 12, 2018
    Alex would like to establish his own business, but he's afraid he won't succeed. Marcia would like to return to school, but she's afraid she might fail. Abraham Lincoln failed in business, and was defeated for Congress, the Senate and Vice President. Thomas Edison had 10,000 trials before inventing the light bulb. Did you learn to walk or ride a bike without falling? What's your attitude toward career...
  • New Ways of Looking at Career Advancement
    by Carole Kanchier - March 5, 2018
    Do You Have Old or New Views of Career Success? Automation, globalization, demographics, and insights gained from consciousness research, are changing the way we think about work and adapt to our continuously changing work world! Career development Old: Career growth means moving up the corporate ladder and measuring up against the approved professional timetable.You are what you do. New: This is a lifelong process...
  • Good Business Etiquette Can Advance Your Career
    by Carole Kanchier - February 26, 2018
    Good manners are good business. Many potentially profitable alliances or promotional opportunities are lost because of unintentional breaches of manners. Second chances aren’t always possible. Test your business etiquette Which of the following demonstrate appropriate and inappropriate business etiquette? 1. Your boss, Ms. Andrews, enters the room when you’re meeting with a client, Mr. Block. You rise a...
  • Do You Frequently Make Excuses?
    by Carole Kanchier - February 19, 2018
    Do you feel stuck in your career? Do you want to make a career change, but keep making excuses? Do you say, “yea, but,” to justify why you can’t pursue desired goals? What does this quiz say bout you? To identify the degree to which you may be stuck and reasons you’re trapped, answer “yes” or “no:” I. I’m usually tired. 2. I have little time for leisure activi...
  • Ways Employers Can Minimize Workplace Stress
    by Carole Kanchier - February 12, 2018
    Do you supervise or manage anyone? Are your subordinates suffering from job stress? Does your work environment contribute to worker stress? Do you address job stress issues? According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), job stress occurs when job requirements don’t match employee capabilities, resources or needs. Wide spread and costly, job stress is called a “world health e...